Google Will Now Indicate When A Website Won't Load On Your Mobile |

Google Will Now Indicate When A Website Won't Load On Your Mobile

You'll never end up on a web page which won't load because it uses Flash.


It's annoying when we encounter a web page that refuses to load on our mobile, and Google seems to think so too. Starting today the company has announced that Google Search will warn users when a website isn't likely to work on their choice of hardware, saving them a precious click.

Google is all set to log more search queries from mobile devices than from desktops this year, and the new feature move towards controlling its users experience. A prime target would be websites using Flash content which isn't compatible with devices running iOS and Android 4.1 or higher.

The company hasn't said that it will completely exclude such sites from its search queries altogether, but the move to issue a warning to users seems to be a step in that general direction. In any case, websites using incompatible code or require users to install special plugins should be scrambling to avoid any loss in traffic.

[Also read: Users Of New Lumia Devices Can't Set Google As Default Search]

Google's making a pretty straightforward stand. It's telling companies and website owners that if they want business from its users, they're going to have to switch to web standards like HTML 5. For the end consumers it may not be all that bad, as Google is pushing for a more uniform experience on the web.

TAGS: Google search, Mobile Phones, Internet
