Samsung’s GALAXY S5 Mini Leaks On Its UK Portal; Heart-Rate Sensor Is Missing |

Samsung’s GALAXY S5 Mini Leaks On Its UK Portal; Heart-Rate Sensor Is Missing

The device will be available in a variety of vibrant colours.


Samsung UK seems to have mistakenly slipped out its unannounced GALAXY S5 Mini’s product webpage. The product page (that now appears to have been taken down) shows that Samsung will be cutting down the cost of the device by losing the heart-rate monitor.

The product page that supposedly went live for some time was reported by @EvLeaks. It clearly shows that Samsung has taken off the heart rate monitor in an effort to cut costs to fit the S5 Mini into the mid-segment which is similar to what HTC did with its One Mini 2 and the Duo Lens Camera. What the device has retained is the design of the GALAXY S5; which includes the shiny bezel and chrome inserts around the camera and LED flash.

Another thing that is pretty evident from the leaked image are the variety of colours that the mid-range device will be available in. Expect the device to come in white, black, silver, green, blue, gold and yellow. What is also noticeable from the image is that the handset will be compatible with Samsung’s recently launched GALAXY Gear range. As pictured, this will include the Gear 2 and the Gear Fit devices.

Considering that the product page is already up on the website, we should expect Samsung to launch the GALAXY S5 Mini in a couple of weeks from now.

TAGS: Mobile Phones, Android, Samsung
