Future Phone Could Have 1TB Of RAM | TechTree.com

Future Phone Could Have 1TB Of RAM

The RRAM will be the size of a postage stamp


Gone are the days when you had limited RAM on your phone and at present it is a luxury to have a 3GB of RAM. If the scientists succeed in their recent innovation then your future phone may well be boasting 1TB of RAM.

According to a report in engadget, the scientists at Rice University have managed to form a restive RAM (RRAM) that is a size of postal stamp and could stuff 1TB into the component.

They have apparently used porous silicon oxide where metals are used to fill the pores. They also suggested that it requires much lesser power than the previous techniques and is not fazed by heat.

They are expecting the result to be a RAM chip with a capacity of a larger permanent storage and much more capable than the present flash storage.

Considering the size this is ideal for mobiles, the impact might be far reaching and can be used from your computers, cars and daily appliances, vastly changing the way they are being used. 

TAGS: Mobile Phones
