Google Tells Us What 60 Million Women In India Do On The Web |

Google Tells Us What 60 Million Women In India Do On The Web

Study reveals women's online behaviour, or does it?


The fact that the internet is gender-biased is not really news, but Google's study trying to glorify women on the web with its latest survey is a bit too patronising; to say the least. While the internet giant hasn't revealed how it came to this figure, but it does say that all its result has been compiled after looking into its search query data base. To be specific, the official press release states: "The study was compiled by looking at search query data for top women oriented search categories in India and an independent online research done by TNS Australia, which reached out to over 1000 women with access to Internet in India". So this is not gender-biased in terms of man-woman ratio, but more about what the guys at Google India think the Indian women search for.

OK, let's bring on the number, for the curious kinds. About 40% of internet users of the 150 million internet users are women, says Google. Of these, around 24 million of them log in everyday to check emails, interact on social networking sites, and shop online. 75% of these women fall in the age bracket of 15-34. But what I found alarming was that the survey says only 18% women use internet on their mobile phones. If correct, that is one difficult piece of information to digest.

As for what they do online, women apparently check email, search, and visit social networking sites followed by downloading music, looking for educational content, job search, watching videos and consuming news, in that order of importance.

It is a Google survey, so they made it a point to tell us what they looked for online too. These categories include apparels, accessories, food and drink, baby care, hair care, and skin care. The survey also highlighted that categories such as skin care (72%), baby care (69%), and hair care (65%) products saw maximum internet based research before making a buying decision.

As for the sampling technique, the press release says that the Study has looked into "Google search query data in India for Apparel & accessories, food & drinks, baby care, hair care & skin care product categories along with TNS Australia research conducted online of over 1000 women in the age group of 18 to 65 and industry reports. The search query data was compiled for the period of one year starting from April 2012 to March 2013. Other data sources include TGI & IRS". What about all the other women who look for more diverse things on the internet?

TAGS: Internet, Google
