BlackBerry 10 Tablet Coming Soon, Not! |

BlackBerry 10 Tablet Coming Soon, Not!

Alas, BB exec cites a misquote that led to the rumour of PlayBook 2.


BlackBerry (formerly known as Research In Motion or simply RIM) raised expectations when it was rumoured earlier that the beleaguered company is going to launch a tablet running BB10 according to a report on Know Your Mobile India (KYMI). However, the company was quick to put down the rumour by stating that it was the case of an official being misquoted as confirmed by Engadget.

KYMI had reported that Sarim Azia, Head of Developer Relations for Asia Pacific at BlackBerry had confirmed to them during the BB Z10 launch in Mumbai earlier this week that "the BB10 tablet is definitely coming later this year". He was quoted as stating that the older PlayBook is currently undergoing a "BB10 treatment", which fuelled these speculations.

Engadget, who also carried this news, later contacted BlackBerry for a confirmation. Apparently, the company pleaded innocence by saying that the official has been misquoted. It clarified that BlackBerry has no "immediate plans" for a new tablet and will rather focus on the Z10 and Q10.

Of course, while this is the official version from the company, the gaffe reported by KYMI may well be true and a PlayBook 2 may be getting readied already. Looking at how fluid the BB10 OS is on the Z10, we think it would do well on a tablet as well. Of course, the burning question - lack of an adequately populated application market with quality apps, will have to be answered for the tablet to succeed, even if the hardware and software work well together.

TAGS: Tablets, BlackBerry

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