Google Slides For Android Now Supports Live Presentations On Hangouts |

Google Slides For Android Now Supports Live Presentations On Hangouts

And its free!


After adding Google Slides support for Chromecast and Airplay back in June, Google has now included support for the same on Hangouts for Android as well. Yes, with the new update on your Android smartphone or tablet, you can now actually present your deck of slides live on an ongoing Hangout.

Hangouts is indeed a great tool for both personal and business use. But now, it gets useful with this handy new update for Android users. The update will let you present your deck of slides from anywhere and even from the mobile device, while on the move (provided your 3G connection can keep up).

All you have to do is tap on the Play slides button and then select where to present the slides. While this was earlier limited to just your device, or connected devices, you can now connect to a live ongoing Hangout call.

More impressively, Google will even let you add speaker notes and let you see who is on the call in the small thumbnails below. You even get a handy timer if you are the owner of that presentation.

Clearly, this makes Google’s ecosystem (Gmail, Drive, etc.) even more attractive to business users, who usually end up paying a hefty sum for such services. More so in the case of slides, all you need is a stable data connection and your good to go from anywhere in the world.


TAGS: Google Slides, Android, Google
