Hate Apps That Reward IAPs For Social Sharing? Apple Feels The Same Way | TechTree.com

Hate Apps That Reward IAPs For Social Sharing? Apple Feels The Same Way

With apps in the millions in its App Store, Apple felt its high time it took out the trash.


Apple apparently wants to deliver a quality App Store experience to its customers by removing apps that reward users with in app purchases (IAPs) when they share the app on social networks. These can be anything from watching those long ad videos, to sharing to unlock an in-game achievement. Apple wants all of these apps out! And since Apple is king, most developers have a lot to worry about.

There are a number of apps and games that basically make their bread and butter off such cheap social sharing features. These even include big names like Candy Crush Saga which clearly violate the new rules and regulations. Indeed there is going to be an uproar as many devs have built their games based on these odd monetization strategies. Apple will even ban apps that advertise apps other than their own via the standard ad network.

We guess Apple feels that such strategies lowers the standards of the App Store which is known for its quality apps. Games like Sega’s Sonic which coax players to get an additional life by watching a video will also be culled from the App Store.

Seems like this ‘app revolution’ will have far reaching consequences, but will indeed deliver a better App Store experience for customers and set new standards for the store that Apple’s ecosystem heavily relies on.

How we wish that Android and even the Windows Phone store would get such spring cleaning.  

TAGS: Software, Apps, Apple
