Humble Origin Bundle Generates $7.5 Million And Counting |

Humble Origin Bundle Generates $7.5 Million And Counting

You can legally own the bundlle comprising of games such as Dead Space 3, Crysis 2, Medal of Honor, Mirror's Edge, and more for as low as $1.


Humble Bundle has announced through its twitter account that their latest endeavour, the Humble Origin Bundle has surpassed all records to become the most successful offering ever. The Origin Bundle incorporates a host of AAA titles from publisher Electronic Arts. Some of them being as recent as Dead Space 3.

The games include Battlefield 3, Dead Space 3, Dead Space, Crysis 2: Maximum Edition, Mirror's Edge, Medal of Honor, Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box, and The Sims 3. It gives access to both Steam and Origin keys for all titles except Sims 3, Battlefield 3, and Dead Space 3 for obvious reasons. The combined value of the games contained in the bundle has been pegged at $215, but you can pay whatever amount you wish, starting from as low as a measly dollar to upwards of $2,000 like some generous contributors have pitched in with. However, you will need to shell out more than the average contribution (approximately $5) to have Battlefield 3 and Sims 3 included in the bundle.

Humble Origin Bundle Generates $7.5 Million and Counting

“The Humble Origin Bundle is our biggest bundle EVER with over $6 MILLION in sales and 1.25+ million bundles sold!”, tweeted Humble Bundle over the weekend. Since then, the endeavour has managed to garner $7.5 million in revenue, with over 1.5 million contributors picking up the bundle as of this writing. This just blows away the 900,000 bundles that the last most successful outing, the THQ Bundle, sold through the course of the campaign. In contrast, the Origin Bundle still has eight more days to go.

Unlike the THQ Bundle, where the publisher tried to recoup some profit in a last ditch attempt before closure, EA doesn't stand to profit from this exercise. All revenue has been divided between a small tip for the Humble Bundle organisers to cover the costs incurred in the promotion, whereas a major chunk goes to five charities spread across human rights, cancer, AIDS, and other causes.

Ironically, with a game line-up of this calibre, the Humble Bundle sure doesn't seem as humble anymore. Having said that, this is not only the cheapest way to buy any of the games offered, but your dollars are diverted towards a good cause to boot. Click here to visit the page for the Humble Origin Bundle.

TAGS: Gaming
