Why Yahoo of all Things? | TechTree.com

Why Yahoo of all Things?

If the Daily Mail wants to make a living, it should bake bread


I learnt from the BBC today that Yahoo is the world’s third-most visited online platform, “attracting more than 204 million people.” Apparently, in the US, the news and sports sections on the site are read by about 25 percent of people at least once a week.

Nostalgia alert: In 1998, when we started up our Desktops, the Yahoo page would open up. There’s no bias here.

And now, The Daily Mail wants to buy Yahoo? It's amazing that when there's absolutely no question that a failed site — a site that started it all, then succumbed for necessity — should be considered with so much interest.

Gosh —  (to use an outdated word, but one that conveys so much!) — are 25 percent of people in the US idiots? Or, to use a more outdated word, ædiots?

What do you get on Yahoo? Or, what do you don’t get elsewhere that you do on Yahoo? Well, my Tata Photon connection brought up The Yahoo Page each time it got on. Now, my Vodafone dongle (that sounds dirty, doesn’t it?) brings up The Yahoo Page. I don’t know why.

Here’s what I see each day, every day, or “each and every day,” or whichever day you like to say: “Best dressed celebrities of...” In an attempt to be precise, it shows me two things:

(a) Men’s forearms, as in cricket.

(b) Various female body parts. To put it politely, let’s just say women’s wardrobes or the lack thereof.

Yes, yes, Yahoo is much more than the front pages these Internet providers use, but this gives you an idea, doesn’t it? Why hasn’t Google ever tried to get into the front-page market? Not because it has no content. It might as well show you the news, and if it did, you’d better well read it, or die, dammit, you b*******.

Of course, there are other Yahoo products ..... Tumblr, Flickr, ....


Yeah, and …

And the BBC concludes: “The firm can state that ‘more than one billion people” regularly use its products.”

The question here is, For How Long? When will Google take over everything? Do you really think Google doesn’t own Yahoo?

OK, that last bit was a joke, but there happens to be this. I just looked it up.

TAGS: Yahoo!
