Suckerberg Demos Old Tech and Chat Bots |

Suckerberg Demos Old Tech and Chat Bots

And makes Donald Trump look great

Suckerberg Demos Old Tech and Chat Bots

Here in India, not everyone knows about Donald Trump — so as an Indian who does, I’d like to elaborate. Donald Trump wants Americans to stay American. “A businessperson and television personality, (he) announced his candidacy for President of the United States ... on June 16, 2015 with the slogan ‘Make America Great Again!’” He’s pretty high now, says this site.

He’s famous for — among other things — being truly American. Like keeping non-Americans out of America.

Now little Mark Suckerberg wants to do the following, says The Guardian: Virtual Reality, Chat Bots, and Build Bridges.

At the Facebook Developer Conference, Mr Suckerberg  says he will “beam wireless internet down to parts of the developing world,” and speaking against Donald Trump (which is what we began with), he wants to “help build bridges instead of building walls.”

For those who have watched Arrested Development to the end: One of the protagonists wants to build a wall between the US and Mexico. His son says in a public event that he wants his software to build a wall between people; an anti-Facebook. He calls it “Faceblock” or something. And the audience mistakes the software for the wall.

And this little person — I’m talking about Suckerberg — got his lines from there. I mean, there’s too obvious a connection to not miss.

Last time I checked, this baby-face was 16. Now he seems 12.

I admit I don’t know if The Guardian is being loyal to what happened at the FDC, or the F8, on the 12th of April. But if it is, here are these new-age ideas: “Developers will be able to build new chat bots to work with Messenger.” “Facebook’s first bots including CNN... will send articles to users with conversational teasers, and 1-800-Flowers... which can order flower deliveries with personalized messages...”

These are all about 30 years old. Suckerberg now seems 8.

Which is the age you need to be to use Facebook. Or, at least, at the IQ appropriate for that age.

A sorry @ the Editor of The Guardian for the headline rip-off. I absolutely altered it, though.

Tags : Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Donald Trump