LeEco Le 2 Unboxing and First Impression | TechTree.com

LeEco Le 2 Unboxing and First Impression

Techtree shares an unboxing video of LeEco Le2 with a quick review of the phone.

LeEco Le 2 smartphone is the new mid-range smartphone in the market. In this video we are unboxing Le 2. The phone comes with a SIM ejector pin, a quick start-up guide, normal 2-pin charger, USB Type C- Cable, and USB Type-C 3.5mm audio adaptor. The phone is light weight, sleek with a metallic finish and feels good in the hand. The phone is priced at Rs.11,999 with power-packed specification for a mid-range smartphone. The Phone is available on Flipkart flash sale and LeMall. 
Story and Voice Over: Poonam Mondal
Model Hands: Nashwa Kureshi
Video and Edit : Rohit Makwana
Production: Trivone Media Network 

TAGS: LeEco, Android Smartphone, tech review

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