Twitter Increases GIF Image Limit On Web Interface |

Twitter Increases GIF Image Limit On Web Interface

And any social media buff knows that this is a good thing.


Never sigh over a too short GIF again. Twitter recently upped its GIF image size limit to 15 MB on its web interface. That’s three times more than the earlier 5 MB limit.


GIF images are used to share short-duration video clips (often captioned). They have been brought into the mainstream by platforms such as 9GAG. The main advantage that GIFs have over videos is that they allow users to make and share animations more easily, and in most cases are smaller in weight than videos. But there’s always a catch: the increased GIF limit only applies if you’re posting on the Twitter web interface. In other words, the old 5 MB limit still applies if you’re using the Twitter mobile app or any third-party apps.


GIFs have been game-changers in the social media arena, where most users view content on their mobiles and mostly on a data connection. GIFs are easier and faster to download on a data connection than videos. Also, due to shortening attention spans and time crunches, many people are only interested in the best bits of an event, movie or TV show, which can be easily watched as a series of GIFs rather than videos. It’s certainly a start, the boo-factor of the mobile apps notwithstanding. In the (hopefully near) future, there might come a time when you can even tweet video-length GIFs via your phone or through third-party apps like Tweetdeck.


TAGS: Twitter
